(310) 245-8363 nathan@flannigans.org

Sportsman Auto Print Press

Flannigan’s is equipped with two Sportsman auto print press machines.
Each press features 10 print stations that provides a maximum print area of 16″ x 22″.

Standard features like independent squeegee & flood-bar speed adjustments, adjustable rear screen holders, independently-set angle and calibrated pressure adjustments, and independent print, reset, and print/flood speed controls on each print head further insure Flannigan’s Merchandising quality control standards.


In addition to our auto print press stations FMI has 2 more chameleon hand press stations. Each press is capable of up too 8 seperate color stations.


The industry’s most efficient, invective, and high-production textile gas dryer, Not only does it have the highest production capacity in its class, it’s also the most energy efficient. Fast cure rates and high product throughput maximize dryer capacity and minimize turn around time.